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Patron Account Inquiry

POST /api/patronsession/accountlookup

Operators will call this method on the on the VIP Connect API to get an end user’s VIP account data. This request will not create a patron session. It is only used to validate or get VIP end user details.

Operators need to send a JWT bearer token to authenticate the request.

Example Scenario

  1. Operator sends an account inquiry call to the VIP Connect API with required parameters. ID details or VIP number (not both) need to be sent to get end user data.
  2. VIP Connect API will return end user VIP data upon token verification (sent in request headers).
  3. VIP Connect API returns null or no data if no matching user exists in the system.

ID details or VIP number (not both) need to be sent as parameters to get end user VIP Preferred data.

ID Example

With Identification Details

"IdType": "SS",
"IdNumber": "543083545",
"IdState": "",
"ProductType" : "preferred"

Parameters List

Parameter NameDescriptionRequiredTypeExampleLength
IdTypeIdentification number typeYesStringDL, ST, MI, PP, SS2
IdNumberIdentification numberYesString5430865656 - 30
IdStateState where ID is issuedYes, if IdType is not SSNStringGA2
ProductTypeVIP product type (VIP Preferred or VIP Online)NoStringpreferred10 max
Possible IdType ValuesDescription
DLDriver's License
STState ID
MIMilitary ID
SSSocial Security Number
Possible ProductType ValuesDescription
preferredVIP Preferred
onlineVIP Online

The ProductType parameter is a future feature and is optional at this time. If not provided it will default to preferred.

VIP Example

With VIP Card Number

"VipAccountNumber" : "7210695258",
"ProductType" : "preferred"

Parameters List

Parameter NameDescriptionRequiredTypeExampleLength
VipAccountNumberVIP account numberYesString721069525810
ProductTypeVIP product type (VIP Preferred or VIP Online)NoStringpreferred10 max
Possible ProductType ValuesDescription
preferredVIP Preferred
onlineVIP Online

Success Response

200 OKAccount inquiry call received and data returned

Example Response

"memberSince": "2022-08-01T00:00:00+00:00",
"lastTransaction": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
"mostRecentTransactionAmount": 0.0,
"dateOfBirth": "09101997",
"last4SSN": "3545",
"incrementalLimitAmount": 0.0,
"maxLimitAmount": 0.0,
"vipCardNumber": "7210695258",
"idNumber": "****3545",
"idType": "DL",
"idState": "GA",
"firstName": "JOHN",
"lastName": "SMITH",
"name": "JOHN SMITH",
"address": "28 NQQODHNDV",
"city": "PRZYFAYQA",
"state": "TN",
"zip": "28292",
"homePhoneNumber": "8434811326",
"mobilePhoneNumber": "8434811326",
"email": "8ZN2EMYP@5JP6OEAZ.COM",
"limitAmount": 4500.0,
"availableAmount": 4500.0,
"isInGoodStanding": true,
"oneClickDiscountEligible": false,
"bankAccounts": [
"maskedAccountNumber": "****9999",
"routingNumber": "11111111",
"bankName": "Jpmorgan Chase Bank, Na",
"availableLimit": 0.00,
"instantPaymentEligible": false
"maskedAccountNumber": "**1111",
"routingNumber": "22222222",
"bankName": "Bank Of America, Na",
"availableLimit": 0.00,
"instantPaymentEligible": true

The bankAccounts property is optional and is not returned by default. See Feature Toggles.


The property instantPaymentEligible within the bankAccounts data indicates if the bank supports instant payment for withdrawal transactions. See fundTransferType withdraw request parameter for a list of possible values.


Amount limits are managed differently between VIP Preferred and VIP Online. The above example response is for VIP Preferred where amount limits are managed at the user level. In VIP Online, amount limits are managed at the bank account level which means the response would not contain the availableAmount field as shown above but rather inside the bankAccounts property as below:

"bankAccounts": [
"maskedAccountNumber": "****9999",
"routingNumber": "11111111",
"bankName": "Jpmorgan Chase Bank, Na",
"availableAmount": 348.31,
"instantPaymentEligible": true
"maskedAccountNumber": "**1111",
"routingNumber": "22222222",
"bankName": "Bank Of America, Na",
"availableAmount": 4500.0,
"instantPaymentEligible": false

Error Response

404 Not FoundAccount inquiry call received but user was not found
400 Bad RequestError message for all other cases, such as account closed