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Notification Callback URLs

Operators need to implement transaction notification endpoint(s) in order to be notified of events and transactions as they occur. Operators will use this information to synchronize end user data between Pavilion and the operator's systems.


In order to notify operators, the callback endpoint must be configured to receive notification callbacks for deposit and withdrawal transactions.

Notification Callback Specification

The NotifyDepositUrl and NotifyWithdrawUrl REST HTTP notification endpoints must be configured by the operator, while configuration of the NotifyErrorUrl endpoint is optional.

These HTTP requests will be authenticated via JWT bearer token. They are expected to be signed by either by:

  1. Using the same issuer, audience and secret keys outlined in the API Authentication section or
  2. Using authentication details provided by the operator. It is recommended that operators validate these JWTs before acting upon the request.

If an operator is securing their notification callback endpoints using their own authentication process (option 2 above), the parameters listed below need to be shared with the Pavilion VIP Connect team. The JWT generated using the parameters below are expected to be sent in the request header from the operator’s callback endpoint for authentication purposes.

issThe configured Operator ID
secret key(256 bit base 64 encoded key)

POST https://operatorsite/api/NotifyDeposit

This method is used to notify operators of requests made by the end user for a deposit transaction. VIP Connect will make an authenticated request to the callback URL configured. This method will also be used to notify the operator of deposit errors if a notify error endpoint has not been configured.

Example Scenario:

  1. End user makes a successful deposit request on the VIP Connect web component.
  2. Upon successful response from the Pavilion service, VIP Connect calls the operator’s notification callback URL to notify the operator of the deposit request made.
  3. Operator's callback endpoint acknowledges the request.

If the operator has deposit approvals enabled: The notification will include an IsApproval property and when set to true a deposit approval must be sent back to Pavilion via the Deposit Approval endpoint.

Deposit Notification Example Request:

"PatronId": "0ef56720-47b6-46bc-9a3a-b81bd511d10a",
"TransactionId": "MOCK81023210643",
"Amount": 43.0,
"BankName": "U.S. Bank National Association",
"MaskedBankAccountNumber": "************5555",
"UnmaskedBankAccountNumber": null,
"BankRoutingNumber": "122105155",
"VipCardNumber": "7210642759",
"LastName": "PZXRKTTAT",
"FirstName": "MSPXJ",
"HomePhoneNumber": "8433200399",
"Location": "",
"TransactionType": "Deposit",
"Timestamp": "2024-05-03T19:59:43.7453307+00:00",
"InstantPaymentEligible": false,
"FundTransferType": "Unknown",
"Error": null,
"ProductType": "Online",
"IsApproval": false,
"OneClickDiscountApplied": false,
"OperatorLimits": {
"MinDeposit": 1.00,
"MaxDeposit": 100.00,
"RemainingDailyDeposit": 999.99,
"MinWithdraw": 1.00,
"MaxWithdraw": 999999.99,
"WalletBalance": 1000.0

Deposit Error Notification Example Request:

"PatronId": "0ef56720-47b6-46bc-9a3a-b81bd511d10a",
"TransactionId": "MOCK81023210643",
"Amount": 43.0,
"BankName": "U.S. Bank National Association",
"MaskedBankAccountNumber": "************5555",
"UnmaskedBankAccountNumber": null,
"BankRoutingNumber": "122105155",
"VipCardNumber": "7210642759",
"LastName": "PZXRKTTAT",
"FirstName": "MSPXJ",
"HomePhoneNumber": "8433200399",
"Location": "",
"TransactionType": "Deposit",
"Timestamp": "2024-05-03T19:59:43.7453307+00:00",
"InstantPaymentEligible": false,
"FundTransferType": "Unknown",
"ProductType": "Online",
"IsApproval": false,
"OneClickDiscountApplied": false,
"OperatorLimits": {
"MinDeposit": 1.00,
"MaxDeposit": 100.00,
"RemainingDailyDeposit": 999.99,
"MinWithdraw": 1.00,
"MaxWithdraw": 999999.99,
"WalletBalance": 1000.0
"Error": {
"ErrorCode": "1000",
"ErrorMessage": "User Exited Flow.",
"TransactionStage": "Deposit"

TransactionId is assigned by the Operator. Max Length: 25 characters, Min Length: 8 characters


200 OKAPI received the request and responded

POST https://operatorsite/api/NotifyWithdrawal

This method is used to notify operators of requests made by the end user for a withdrawal transaction. VIP Connect will make an authenticated request to the callback URL configured. This method will also be used to notify the operator of withdrawal errors if a notify error endpoint has not been configured.

Example Scenario:

  1. End user’s withdrawal request is directly sent to the operator via the notification callback URL configured.
  2. VIP Connect notifies the operator of the request, without any further action.
  3. Operator’s callback endpoint will acknowledge the request.
  4. After receiving this notification the operator approves or rejects the requested withdrawal. This is discussed in the Handle Withdrawls section.

Withdraw Notification Example Request:

"PatronId": "0ef56720-47b6-46bc-9a3a-b81bd511d10a",
"TransactionId": "MOCK81023210643",
"Amount": 43.0,
"BankName": "U.S. Bank National Association",
"MaskedBankAccountNumber": "************5555",
"UnmaskedBankAccountNumber": null,
"BankRoutingNumber": "122105155",
"VipCardNumber": "7210642759",
"LastName": "PZXRKTTAT",
"FirstName": "MSPXJ",
"HomePhoneNumber": "8433200399",
"Location": "",
"TransactionType": "Withdraw",
"Timestamp": "2024-05-03T19:59:43.7453307+00:00",
"InstantPaymentEligible": true,
"FundTransferType": "RTP",
"Error": null,
"ProductType": "Online",
"IsApproval": true,
"OneClickDiscountApplied": false,
"OperatorLimits": {
"MinDeposit": 1.00,
"MaxDeposit": 100.00,
"RemainingDailyDeposit": 999.99,
"MinWithdraw": 1.00,
"MaxWithdraw": 999999.99,
"WalletBalance": 1000.0

Withdrawal Error Notification Example Request:

"PatronId": "0ef56720-47b6-46bc-9a3a-b81bd511d10a",
"TransactionId": "MOCK81023210643",
"Amount": 43.0,
"BankName": "U.S. Bank National Association",
"MaskedBankAccountNumber": "************5555",
"UnmaskedBankAccountNumber": null,
"BankRoutingNumber": "122105155",
"VipCardNumber": "7210642759",
"LastName": "PZXRKTTAT",
"FirstName": "MSPXJ",
"HomePhoneNumber": "8433200399",
"Location": "",
"TransactionType": "Withdraw",
"Timestamp": "2024-05-03T19:59:43.7453307+00:00",
"InstantPaymentEligible": true,
"FundTransferType": "RTP",
"Error": null,
"ProductType": "Online",
"IsApproval": true,
"OneClickDiscountApplied": false,
"OperatorLimits": {
"MinDeposit": 1.00,
"MaxDeposit": 100.00,
"RemainingDailyDeposit": 999.99,
"MinWithdraw": 1.00,
"MaxWithdraw": 999999.99,
"WalletBalance": 1000.0
"Error": {
"ErrorCode": "1000",
"ErrorMessage": "User Exited Flow.",
"TransactionStage": "Withdrawal"

Deposit/Withdraw Notification Request Parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionIsRequiredTypeExample
PatronIdEnd user IDYesString0ef56720-47b6-46bc-9a3a-b81bd511d10a
TransactionId*Unique ID to identify deposit/withdraw requestYesAlphanumericMOCK81023210643
AmountTransaction amountYesdecimal27.50
BankNameEnd user selected bank nameYesStringBANK OF AMERICA, NA
MaskedBankAccountNumberEnd user selected bank account number (masked)YesString****0865
UnmaskedBankAccountNumberFull bank account number selected by end user (if feature is enabled)NoString12340865
BankRoutingNumberRouting number for bank selectedYesString061000052
VipCardNumberVIP account numberYesString714524259
FirstNameEnd user first nameYesStringMSPXJ
LastNameEnd user last nameYesStringPZXRKTTAT
HomePhoneNumberEnd user's home phone numberYesString8433200399
LocationDevice location (IP address of the device)NoString127.0.0.1
TransactionTypeTransaction type of the requestYesStringdeposit
TimestampTimestamp value when approval request sentNoDateTime2023-08-10T19:17:23.563715+00:00
InstantPaymentEligibleIndicates if the bank supports instant paymentNoBooleanfalse
FundTransferTypeFund transfer type for Withdraw Approval call (Unknown, ACH, RTP, INP, SDA)NoStringRTP
ProductTypeVIP product type (VIP Preferred or VIP Online)NoStringpreferred
IsApprovalUsed if deposit approval is enabledNoBooleanfalse
OneClickDiscountAppliedDiscount on transaction enabled for operator (eligibility determined by oneClickDiscountEligible from Account Inquiry response)NoBooleanfalse
OperatorLimitsOperator limit information that needs to be sent for Deposit ApprovalYes, for deposit approvalObjectSee below
ErrorError notificationNoObjectSee below
MinDepositMinumum deposit amount1.0
MaxDepositMaximum deposit amount100.00
RemainingDailyDepositRemaining daily deposit amount999.99
MinWithdrawMinumum withdraw amount1.00
MaxWithdrawMaximum withdraw amount999999.99
WalletBalancePatron wallet balance1000.0
ErrorCodeError code1000
ErrorMessageError messageUser Exited Flow.
TransactionstageTransaction StageDeposit
Possible ProductType ValuesDescription
preferredVIP Preferred
onlineVIP Online

TransactionId is assigned by the Operator. Max Length: 25 characters, Min Length: 8 characters


200 OKAPI received the request and responded

POST https://operatorsite/api/NotifyError

This method is used to notify operators of errors that have occurred during a transaction. VIP Connect will make an authenticated request to the callback URL configured. This endpoint is also used to notify the operator if the user cancels their transaction.


If the operator does not make this endpoint available then deposit errors and withdrawal errors will be sent to the operator's notify deposit endpoint and notify withdrawal endpoint, respectively. This is also true for deposit cancelations and withdrawal cancelations.

Example Scenario:

  1. An error has occurred during a transaction.
  2. VIP Connect notifies the operator of the request, without any further action.
  3. Operator’s callback endpoint will acknowledge the request.
  4. After receiving this notification the operator may choose to log the error, or perform some customer service function.

Example Request:

"TransactionId": "MOCK81023210643",
"VipCardNumber": "7210536159",
"PatronId": null,
"SessionId": "8033ff2f-5aaf-4414-9c43-05fd0bae6087",
"Timestamp": "2023-08-10T21:13:15.176162+00:00",
"ErrorCode": "1000",
"TransactionStage": "Deposit",
"ErrorMessage": "User Exited Flow."

Request Parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionIsRequiredTypeExample
TransactionId*Unique ID to identify deposit/withdraw requestYesStringMOCK81023210643
VipCardNumberVIP account numberNoString7210536159
PatronIdEnd user IDNoStringba8941c3-3a2e-470e-9add-7f8dca7d7fb8
SessionIdSession IDYesString8033ff2f-5aaf-4414-9c43-05fd0bae6087
TimestampTimestamp value when approval request sentYesDateTime2023-08-10T21:13:15.176162+00:00
TransactionStageTransaction stage where the error occurredYesStringDeposit
ErrorCodeError codeYesString1000
ErrorMessageDetails about the errorYesStringUser Exited Flow.

TransactionId is assigned by the Operator. Max Length: 25 characters, Min Length: 8 characters


200 OKAPI received the request and responded