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Handle Withdrawals

An API call will be sent to an operator’s notification callback URL alerting them of pending withdrawals. After receiving this notification an operator will need to approve or reject the requested withdrawal.

POST /api/operator/WithdrawApproval

This method is used to make an authenticated request to approve a specific withdrawal received via notification callback.

Example Scenario:

  1. End user makes a withdrawal on the VIP Connect web component.
  2. VIP Connect notifies the operator using the notification endpoint URL configured.
  3. Operator reviews the received withdrawal request.
  4. Operator calls withdrawal approval endpoint on VIP Connect.
  5. Operator receives successful response status.

Example Request:

"bankName":"Bank XYZ",

Parameters List

Parameter NameDescriptionIsRequiredTypeExample
transactionId*Unique ID to identify deposit/withdraw requestYesAlphanumeric9f80db71aa
amountWithdrawal amountYesdecimal10.01
bankNameEnd user selected bank nameYesStringBank of America
maskedBankAccountNumberEnd user selected bank account number (masked)YesString****1234
bankRoutingNumberRouting number for bank selectedYesString123456789
vipCardNumberVIP account numberYesString714524259
firstNameEnd user first nameYesStringJane
lastNameEnd user last nameYesStringDoe
homePhoneNumberEnd user's home phone numberYesString4854587856
locationDevice location (IP address of the device)YesString127.0.0.1
transactionTypeTransaction type of the requestYesStringwithdraw
timestampTimestamp value when approval request sentNoDateTime2022-10-03T14:23:09.2188558+00:00
fundTransferTypeType of funds transferYesStringACH
productTypeVIP product type (VIP Preferred or VIP Online)NoStringpreferred

transactionId is assigned by the Operator. Max Length: 25 characters, Min Length: 8 characters

Possible fundTransferType valuesDescription
ACHStandard ACH transfer
INPInstant Payment
Possible ProductType ValuesDescription
preferredVIP Preferred
onlineVIP Online


200 OKAPI received the request and responded

Example Response


No action needed to reject a withdrawal request. Operator can review and ignore the withdrawal notification received.

Configurable Limits

Operators may configure certain withdrawal limits.

  • MaxWithdraw - Maximum withdrawal transaction amount for each session in USD. Default is $999,999.99.
  • MinWithdraw - Minimum withdrawal transaction amount for each session in USD. Default is $10.00.