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Pavilion Operator Set Up

Before an operator can authenticate with VIP Connect, the following operator specific values must be configured on the Pavilion system. Fields marked with an asterisk are values operators need to provide to Pavilion to complete set up. Pavilion encourages operators to use these values during transaction validation.

FieldExample ValuesExplanation
OperatorId8AD4812A-178F-4E13-8D82-81BDDC322DA7Unique ID created by Pavilion and assigned to an operator
NameOnline Betting PortalName of an operator
SecretKey1(256 bit base 64 encoded key)Encoded key generated by Pavilion and shared with operator; operator generates JWT using either of the secret keys
SecretKey2(256 bit base 64 encoded key)Encoded key generated by Pavilion and shared with operator; operator generates JWT using either of the secret keys
Feature Toggles*True or FalseOptional features that operator can enable to customize end user experience. Further details provided in the Feature Toggle section
MerchantId123456Value provided by Pavilion
MaxDeposit*2000.00Maximum deposit amount for a transaction on VIP Preferred; set by operator
MinDeposit*10.00Minimum deposit amount for a transaction on VIP Preferred; set by operator
MaxWithdraw*5000.00Maximum deposit amount for a transaction on VIP Preferred; set by operator
MinWithdraw*1.00Minimum deposit amount for a transaction on VIP Preferred; set by operator
VIPOMaxDeposit*2000.00Maximum deposit amount for a transaction on VIP Online; set by operator
VIPOMinDeposit*10.00Minimum deposit amount for a transaction on VIP Online; set by operator
VIPOMaxWithdraw*5000.00Maximum deposit amount for a transaction on VIP Online; set by operator
VIPOMinWithdraw*1.00Minimum deposit amount for a transaction on VIP Online; set by operator
NotifyDepositUrl* to notification callback endpoint that will be invoked by VIP Connect when an end user performs a deposit. If URL is not provided, deposit notifications to the Operator are ignored or not notified.
NotifyWithdrawUrl* to notification callback endpoint that will be invoked by VIP Connect when an end user performs a withdraw, If URL is not provided, withdrawal notifications to the Operator are ignored or not notified.
ReturnUrl* Optional value to navigate back to Operator provided URL after successful deposit or withdraw transaction
TransactionTimeframeMessage*"in about 1 hour."An Optional value to show a custom transaction timeframe to patrons (see below)


This is an optional field provided by the Operator to navigate back to specific URL. VIP Connect will check for this field after successful deposit/withdraw transaction is completed and patron clicks on Back to Operator Site option.

  1. If the ReturnUrl is provided, the VIP Connect Web Component will clear the session and navigate to the provided URL with the two parameters shown below.
  2. If the ReturnUrl field is null (not provided), the VIP Connect Web Component will clear the session and close the web component.
Example -
TransactionIdPreviously provided by operator, as specified in session creation
TransactionTypedeposit/withdraw transaction type

No Authentication or Authorization should be required to make a request to ReturnUrl.


This is an optional field provided by the Operator to give a timeframe of when funds are available after a successful transaction. This feature is only available if deposit approvals are enabled.

Example Message
Default Deposit MessageYour $10 deposit from your First City Bank account to your Gaming Operator account is currently in progress. The funds will be available in your Gaming Operator account shortly.
Custom Deposit MessageYour $10 deposit from your First City Bank account to your Gaming Operator account is currently in progress. The funds will be available in your Gaming Operator account TransactionTimeframeMessage.
Default Withdraw MessageYour $10 withdrawal from your Gaming Operator account to your First City Bank account is currently in progress. The funds will be available in your First City Bank account shortly.
Custom Withdraw MessageYour $10 withdrawal from your Gaming Operator account to your First City Bank account is currently in progress. The funds will be available in your First City Bank account TransactionTimeframeMessage.