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Native Integration on iOS

At the GitHub link below, Pavilion offers a reference implementation, a native VIP Connect Library for iOS and documentation to aid in the integration of Plaid into an operator's mobile application.

See the file in the repository for how to get started.

  1. Operator shares the Apple Application Identifier Prefix, and the Bundle Identifier of each app to Pavilion. Both of these values can be found in the Identifiers section of the Apple Developer site. A sample AAIP might look like 88MPW8R88P, and a Bundle Identifier will look like org.example.testapp. Pavilion will add your app and the associated Universal Links to our hosted AASA file, which will enable the Universal Links the SDK will use to return after an OAuth flow.

  2. Secondly, operators will need to declare the capability to receive URLs from the associated domain within their app. Instructions for this can be found at Apple's site here, and Pavilion's iOS example app also declares them in its entitlements file for reference. The domains you need to declare will be



    Once these two steps are completed, then OAuth flows that occur outside your WebView will automatically return to your app once they are complete, without any additional user interaction.

  3. Launch the Web Componment as below �

